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Nelson Ortega Toscano pseudonym: OrtegaToscano Born March 11, 1963. TibNorte de Santander, Colombia. Tibes a municipality selvtica oil history and nature. It borders Venezuela, and is embedded in the jungles of Catatumbo of ahla preferncia artist's paint nature Colombian pride. STUDIES: University of Pamplona, Colombia: Bachelor s basic artistic In education with emphasis 1999. Color techniques, free courses, Universidad...

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Nelson Ortega Toscano pseudonym: OrtegaToscano Born March 11, 1963. TibNorte de Santander, Colombia. Tibes a municipality selvtica oil history and nature. It borders Venezuela, and is embedded in the jungles of Catatumbo of ahla preferncia artist's paint nature Colombian pride. STUDIES: University of Pamplona, Colombia: Bachelor s basic artistic In education with emphasis 1999. Color techniques, free courses, Universidad Nacional de Colombia: 2001 2002. Maker of artistic talent in the area of oil painting. EXHIBITIONS: 2007 Dic. December 3, 1923 Military Club Bogota. Club officers of the armed forces of Colombia. Collective. Oct. 2007 Oct. 15, 1931 Casino area force officers Colombian Bogota. Collective. 2007 Jul. 27 Aug. 27 Tequendama Crowne Plaza Hotel, Bogota. Collective. 2007 July 18, 1930 Jul. Gobernacin of Cundinamarca, Bogota. The Romero Group collective RAFTS Bucaramanga, Colombia. 2007 May. Crculo June 26, 1926 NCO of the Armed Forces, Bogota. Collective. 2007 Apr. June 2, 1930 Four Points Sheraton Hotel, Bogota. Collective. Mar. 12 Apr 2007. 16 Bogot Military Club: Club officers of the Armed Forces of Colombia. Collective in September 2006. October 8, 1909 Bogot Military Club: Club officers of the Armed Forces of Colombia. Collective 2006 June 1, 1930 Hotel Tequendama BogotColombia collectively. * One of her exhibited works, Colombian Condor was selected by the gallery Versailles Tequendama Intercontinental Hotel Bogota, Colombia, to be part of his collection as tourist and cultural heritage of the nation n. 2006 Feb. 20 Mar. 24 Gobernacin of Cundinamarca, Bogota. Collective. 5 to 30 November 2003 Museum of Contemporary Art. Minuto de Dios Bogot. (Portrait in Tribute to Rafael Garcia-Herreros) 2001 March House Bogota Antioquia (invited). Boyaca 2001 April House Corferias festival Bogot 2001 June 2001 June colony Casa Norte de Santander Bogota. 2001 July Colsubsidio Library Bogot. 19 October 2000 Inauguration Matisse Permanent Galera Bogot. 1999 Nov. Portraits for Antanas mokuso, Jaime Garzn, Belisario Betancur, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Rafael Garcia-Herreros and Diego Jaramillo. Salon V 1998 Nov. National visual arts Ccut Chamber of Commerce. 1997 May Fourth National Salon of Visual Arts - Chamber of Commerce Ccut. Hotel TonchalCcuta August 1997: collective exhibition. Hotel Arizona Ccut October 1979: collective exhibition. Works in Mexico. Spain, Canada, Bulgaria, USA, France, Italy, Costa Rica and Venezuela. My work: Oil on canvas, mixed technique. Pinto American nature, including Colombian objects, the color of the jungle, parrots, condors, eagles, birds, colibrs, and butterflies, shade indgenas necklaces, bamboo, sugar cane, and clumps of corn. I can paint a school of Gorgona Island cafcolombiano a branch at the bottom of the sea. And although Colombia weeps blood, I would like to suppress the outside world with our misfortune, as an artist is a carrier of messages and sensations. I do not like the burnt sienna of dried blood, I like the bright red of our coffee beans. Nelson Ortega Toscano e-mail: toscano_11@hotmail.com Tels: 490 64 68 251 February 1979 cel: 3112719270 and 301-5305465 Kra. 75 A No. 89-35 Bogota Minuto de Dios Colombia.

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